Have you been to hell and back?
Do you think you can never love again?
Maybe you’re finally ready for something different!
Hi, This is Nora Rose. I’m so happy that you found me!
What if you could do more than just ‘get out of a bad situation’ and get your life “back on track”?
What if you could live the life that you’ve always wanted characterized by “True Love and Fulfillment” in all of your relationships instead of feeling like life is a draining series of heartbreaks, betrayals, let downs, and dead ends?
Whether you’re a single mom, divorced, in a relationship, married, or you’re just determined never to do that again, what if all it took was talking with a coach who knows how to help you turn your life around quickly and permanently?
It’s what we all want, and you can have it. I know you can.
It is NEVER TOO LATE…. Your life is NOT over… You can feel like YOU again… You CAN Love Again.
Work Life, Love, and Relationships aren’t like they used to be. Technology, texting, Facebook, online dating, gaming, social networking, porn, email, the economy have changed dating and work life, how we communicate, and how connected we feel.
If you are over 40, forget it, they say…
You are told that you are ‘picking from the clearance rack’ and good luck finding any man that fits… or a rewarding and fulfilling career…. especially if you have gained that baby weight… or a few pounds beyond.
Parenting young children can feel overwhelming…. all-consuming… whether you’re married or single.
Maybe you’re a married mom who feels like you might as well be single because your husband seems too busy to help…
Or worse yet… having a husband is feeling like having another child rather than having a partner in parenting!
Are you a stay-at-home-mom…. homeschooling your kids to avoid public school drama and private school prices but your husband thinks that he’s the only one who works…
Or a single mom, trying to juggle it all yourself with a coparent who feels like he is more trouble than he is help.
For many women who are out there dating, men seem to be more confused nowadays and less interested in family and commitment, dating feels like a minefield.
Maybe you are a mom in a corporate career in a two-income household but you feel like you have multiple full-time jobs because you are doing the lion share of the parenting.
If any of those resonate, I have been through all of them… and I can help you to transform and turn it around - quickly.
Do you want out of all of that stress? Do you want to turn this situation around and start to feel like your life is giving you energy and joy rather than taking everything you have and leaving you with fumes?
Looking around, you may be finding that your girlfriends don’t seem happy in their relationships either or they are having trouble meeting a long-term stable guy in the dating world, it’s easy to commiserate and give up.
It’s so easy to say that there are no good men out there, or to buy-in to the lie that you’re “just not meant to be happy in love.”
It’s so easy to search out “experts” who promise strategies and “rules” with men, and to try to find out simple solutions to your complex situation – and it’s disappointing when you don’t get the results you want.
That’s why I want to help you, and because of the way I work – I know that I can help you with your unique situation in a different way. A way that WORKS.
No matter what we read and what videos we watch, we’re all held back by our past training. We all have specific “systems” in place that chain us to our old patterns and old results.
We start a great, hot relationship with a man, and then feel devastated when he suddenly withdraws or turns cold. Or when the fighting or cheating starts.
Nora Rose Coaching Will Give You the Answers and Solutions You Want If:
…You don’t understand why you’re not attracting the love of your life
…You “hate” dating, and expect all men to let you down.
…You think that you’ve met Mr. Right – and he turns out to be just another guy who doesn’t know what he wants
…The man you’re with is withdrawing and withholding his attention and affection from you, starting arguments, backing away from sex, spending more time at work and with friend than with you, and telling you he’s “confused” about what he feels for you.
…You’re starting to feel insecure – even though you started out totally confident while he was still “pursuing” you.
…You’re thinking about him so much of the time, you feel almost like you’re losing yourself and the confidence you used to have.
…You’re married, and feel trapped with a man who has personal “issues” like drinking, depression and family conflicts.
…The logistics of your relationship are difficult – Long Distance, children, a very present “ex,”
…You’re concerned about “other women” in the picture – even his female friends.
…You’re married or single and feeling overwhelmed with parenting, harried, unappreciated, unaided, and alone.
These are just some of the problems I can help you with.
I chased healing while I was mired in the depths of despair.
I have decades of experience — healing from abuse in my adult life and from my childhood.
None of those tools on their own were quite enough for that next step…To Move beyond survival…
In addition to decades of trauma healing work, I found Rori Raye…
Rori Raye has developed a system of Tools called Have The Relationship You Want – and because I’m Certified personally by Rori to use those Tools as well – I can get results for you quickly - to go beyond survival. Results that’ll surprise you, shock the man you love now into seeing you completely differently, or “snap-to” the man you’re about to meet.
It’s a system of “Modern Siren” Tools that work with YOUR natural personality and everything that you’ve learned in your love life up to now – to turn everything that you believe about men, love and relationship on its head and get you what you truly want! You can be uniquely YOU — discovering who you are as an individual — AND have the relationships and fulfillment that you want! I found out how to apply these same tools to my parenting and work life so that I can have it all!
Because I’m so confident that I can help you, I want to offer you an opportunity to get a free “Try-Out” coaching session with me. Let me know a little bit about your situation in the box below, and if I feel I can help you quickly, we’ll schedule a time to work together.
Love is all around us – and even though we say we’d give everything to have it – most of us are constantly and unconsciously pushing love away.
I can help you stop blocking love, and instead let it come to you in ways you’ve never imagined.
I look forward to talking with you,
Love, Nora Rose.
Why I Can Help -
I am a certified love and relationship coach with several professional certifications and twenty years of coaching experience. I felt like I was living in chains… stuck in a soul crushing abusive relationship. The family that I so desperately longed for wasn’t panning out. I felt overwhelmed, exhausted, and lost… I thought that I had given up… I was a single mom, 80 lbs heavier than I was 5 years prior — with grey hair and wrinkles that I didn’t have before.. I felt trapped.
I was determined to create passive income, a flexible schedule, and a fulfilling career that would GIVE me energy, rather than sucking me dry.
I was ready for love that heals rather than love that hurts.
I was able to disentangle from an unsatisfying relationship and find vocational fulfillment, without giving up a great lifestyle. I was able to start attract healing, loving relationships into my life and transform my career to match my passions.
I want to help you do the same!